Section: What were the ghettos and camps?

What were the ghettos and camps?

This map, created by Herbert Froboess and entitled Deutschland 1945, shows some of the camps in Nazi Germany and some of the surrounding occupied countries.

This map, created by Herbert Froboess and entitled Deutschland 1945, shows some of the camps in Nazi Germany and some of the surrounding occupied countries.

Courtesy of The Wiener Holocaust Library Collections.

Ghettos and camps were used extensively by the Nazis during their time in power to segregate , oppress and persecute their opponents.

This section explores what ghettos and camps were, how they developed, and what life was like for those imprisoned inside them.

Topics in this section

The ghettos
Case Study: Warsaw Ghetto
Case Study: Theresienstadt Ghetto
The camps
The early camps
Types of camps
SS concentration camp system
Case Study: Bergen-Belsen
Case Study: Ravensbrück
Case Study: Sobibór
Case Study: Auschwitz-Birkenau
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How and why did the Holocaust happen?

How and why did the Holocaust happen?

What happened in March